A public place of cultural enrichment, historic preservation, land conservation & spiritual nourishment; an educational & interpretive gathering place; a center of Hawaiian cultural stewardship on Kauaʻi; a core place for learning in Hawaiʻi.
The project would provide a place for Hawaiians & local residents of all backgrounds and ages to reconnect with this sacred area & culturally significant site. Through outreach, ʻāina based land restoration projects & an established educational center this property will inspire, reconnect, educate, empower & employ those closest to this place.
The broader vision may include:
A Piko for Hawaiian Cultural Advancement
A Gathering Place and Community Space
Agricultural Restoration & Local Food Production
Lāʻau Lapaʻau Medicinal and Native Hawaiian Gardens
Loko Iʻa (Fishpond) Restoration & Food Production
Museum, Musical Amphitheatre, Hula Mound & Place for the Arts
Hawaiian Crafts, Language, History, Legends, Culture & Games